Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Treasure from New Mexico

Green Chili, need I say any thing more... definite treasure, not just one box, but two. At least 30 pounds of green chili. My parents sent some out last year, but just two plastic grocery bags full, and we still have some of that, but I was using it very sparingly... now I can go HOG wild. I'll probably give some away to some friends I have who have resided in New Mexico. As a visitor to the land of Enchantment you cannot get the whole spectrum of the importance of Green Chili to New Mexico, you must have to live there for a minimum of six months to understand why it is on every menu in every restaurant in New Mexico. It is an essential ingredient to AUTHENTIC Southwestern cuisine.... one I miss dearly, but am fortunate enough to know how to duplicate!
Now I just have to roast it, which will fill the home with the aromatic senses of being back to where my roots lie. Oven roasting of chili is pretty easy, wash and dry the chili, place on a pan, just set the oven to 450 or even broil, and watch the chili, once the skin is blistering and blackening, you need to turn it over, till it does the same on the other side. Take out and let cool, or you can put it in an ice bath and peel the skin immediately. I usually like to freeze it with the skin on, I just feel it protects the flesh of the chili from freezer burn, but it is also easier to peel after it has been frozen, just thaw and peel under some cold running water and presto.. chili, and then do as you wish!


Jennifer said...

OH YUMMY! I love Green Chili's! Love them! A definite New Mexico staple as you well know! Ah, makes me want to visit New Mexico again just for the food! YUMMY!

connorlove said...

OHMYGOD. Let me say that again. OH. MY. GOD. I cannot believe you got two bushels! Girl, I will help you do whatever you wish with that chili, mmmmm MMM! it looks good and reminds of my old desert life. That smell, nothing like it.

Portable Graffiti said...

Lucky you! I want some.
Now I'll have to save my money to order a bushel myself.

Please post a picture of what the roasted ones look like.

Then another picture of what they look like frozen and how much space they take up in the freezer, so I can get an idea of what I will be getting into when I order them.
