Tuesday, July 3, 2007

garden updates

I have red tomatoes... goodness I didn't think this day would ever come! Now Ihave a TON, but they are so good, but not perfect. Got me thinking about all those perfect tomatos you see in the stores and all the imperfect ones that get put in sauces and canned. So few are perfect, without blemish, spot, or pest... so many, which taste just as good, and are just as nice, have blemishes, spots, and bites from pests. Kind of like people.

Eggplant... they are so pretty, their flowers are nice and purple, and these wonderful eggplants. Oh I'm going to like this, the boys won't though. Guess I need to make some babaganoush.
So here WAS my cantaloupe... racoons stole it right off the vine, as well as the other ones. They also ate my yellow squash.

Corn, beans, and cucumber, growing good and fast. We've had quite a few beans and they are so good. Mmmm I love fresh beans! The boys are devouring them faster than they can grow.

1 comment:

Portable Graffiti said...

I LOVE eggplant parmesan but my kids don't like it. Kelly was bringing home lots of beautiful eggplants from the farm she works on. I sliced them all, did the bread crumb thing and fried them. After they cooled, I stacked them like frisbees in containers and froze them. Now when I want eggplant parmesan for one person, I take out two already-prepared slices and layer them with sauce and cheeses, and bake a small one for myself.