Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The end of the Garden.....

Everything comes to an end, and plants eventually die and give off all the fruit or veggies they can. As it can be seen with the sunflowers and tomatoes. But, I did get a good amount of tomatoes from the plants, more than I could eat myself, but not enough to do any canning of the tomatoes... They are so much better fresh. But I did make some awesome diced tomatoes for a few dishes.
I thought hanging the sunflowers here would be a good way to let them dry out.

poor tomatoes....

The watermelon is vining away at the grass... can't tell where the grass is and the vines are either... there is one melon in the pic... unfortunately Acelin decided to pick it.
Eggplant is doing really well, I've made baba garnish, and have ratoullie planned this week as well.

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