Tuesday, September 25, 2007

weird stuff I keep

I have a variety of odd collections. I have the normal stamps and coins that I collect, and Mike has comic books and action figures to go along with those comic books. And then I have some stashes... I will not even go into those, I'm seriously weeding my fabric stash, as it's too much stuff to maintain. But here are some of my more "off the wall" collections:
Sharks teeth, mostly collected on the shores of the Gulf Of Mexico in Florida, either in Venice Florida, or Englewood Florida. The two large ones on the bottom right are only partial teeth, sure wish I had found a whole tooth! They also come from different kinds of sharks, and that is usually determined by the shape and color of the tooth. Some are new, some are old (fossils) but all are COOL
Shells, but only ones I find, and only these spiral type shells, any other are not interesting....
Rocks or shells with holes in them. there is a parasitic bug that will drill a hole into a shell of a mollusk and eat the mollusk. Sometimes the creature thinks a rock is a shell, since they both are hard, and the bugs aren't really smart enough to distinguish between rock hard and shell hard, so they drill away into the rocks, hoping for something to eat, and many times drill right through. There are two I like more than the others, one is a small rock with a partial hole, and looks a little like a bowl, the other looks like PAC man.
Other rocks that are smooth in shape, textured, or pretty color.
My box of other rocks... these are long and textured, bumpy, and actually make a nice sound when knocked against each other, and I would think make a nice wind chime...

So that's it... other than the many different cigar boxes, and a few skulls I have found... I only have three and don't really consider that a collection. Maybe if I find a few more skulls then I'll show a pic of my skull collection. So far I only have a dog, armadillo and mouse skull. So there it is.. you now know I have boxes of rocks, and bowls of sharks teeth, and skulls hanging around in my home.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You're real weird Donna!!! hahaha! totally kidding! I collect all kinds of things like you do too. I have lot's of rocks, shells, little old medicine tins, quirky stuff. It's fun!