Tuesday, September 25, 2007

clean slate

I pulled up the watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, and beans from the front yard, and weeded like mad. I pulled out the basil and the eggplant and marigold from one of the planters and put in starters for Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts, which I will move when they are sprouted and big enough. The Pumpkin in the back yard is SAD SAD SAD... I just don't think I do well with squash, I couldn't get any of it to grow or produce. But I'm

happy have done all the work that was needed, and now have a new clean slate to start again. If anyone sees the cat in the first picture you will get a prize....


Portable Graffiti said...

I see the cat! What's the prize?

Donna said...

the cat... I'll ship him out tomorrow... bwaaahaaa