Thursday, May 24, 2007

Backyard garden update

Here is one of the planter areas in the back yard. It has yellow squash, cucumber, radishes, and parsley. The cucumber was supposed to grow towards the fence, and I haven't gotten out to train it in time. Oh well, the radishes are almost ready for plucking... I guess they should be ready in about a week. they are hot hot hot! Baby cantaloupe... it's so cute, small and fuzzy....
Cantaloupe vines all around. They have plenty of room. The zuchinni is about done. Acelin kept attacking the zuchinni for some reason, and many of the blossoms were pulled off by him before they could produce. Zuchinni is quite the delicate plant. But then Acelin has no delicate qualities about him.
This is kind of a mess, needs weeding, but to the very bottom right hand corner is Stevia, that I planted last year, and then a gladolia behind it, carrots to the bottom left, and then beans behind along the fence. The beans are absolutely delicious.... they don't make it into the house though, we just can't seem to not eat them raw, freshly picked, and off the vine. Acelin and Cameron love them like this... good, it's best for them. There is a sad rogue tomato staked at the end. It just started coming up, so I let it grow. It has a few tomatos on it, but it's the tallest thinnest tomato plant I've ever seen, it must be 4 feet tall! I have no idea what variety it is.
This is a little rose I have at the end of the screened porch. I transplanted it last year to this area, and it was just one long branch, and one short branch... sad little rose. It is obviously doing much better now. I also need to weed this area, but there is rosemary, thyme and watermelon growing in the same planter area, and gladolias...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Your garden is beautiful!!!!!