Thursday, June 7, 2007

sunflowers sunflowers and corn

Oh my gosh, these dwarf sunflowers are just so pretty. I must grow them every year now... many of them! I surrounded the peppermint and lavendar bucket with the sunflowers, and it makes for a pretty setting, I think. Too bad the peppermint and lavendar doesn't grow as fast as the sunflowers. I especially like the way the sun shines through the back of the pedals. I really love this picture, this is afternon sun.

Morning sun on the sunflowers, so bright cheery and yellow.
CORN... I never knew the silk was a nice purple color. I'm even more amazed as to how colorful vegetable plants can be.
The pollen stalk from the corn. No it's not tall, the corn is only about 3 feet tall. But that's still big enough to produce corn!


Portable Graffiti said...

I have a feeling for winter growing season your entire front yard will be a veggie.herb garden. I can;t wait to see it.

Portable Graffiti said...

I just put the corn silk photo as my desk top photo and it looks awesome.